Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a lil update

ok, it's been a while again, but i'm back for a bit.

on saturday, Mugshots held its first-ever charity run and it went swimmingly! we had about 30 runners and raised $650 for back on my feet, which was so exciting for me! it's not a huge dent in their goal to $50,000, but hey, it's something, and it was certainly lots of fun. more photos are avilable here.

also, i'm on book 22 in my goal of reading 25 by the end of the year. i've been slacking a bit because life is busy, but i'm working hard at it. the last one i read, ask the dust by john fante, was a suggested reading by hugh gilmore who writes for the local. i liked it -- it felt like i was reading the catcher in the rye of writers in their 20-somethings, but this guy, arturo bandini, was less crazy. it was good though. now i'm on naked lunch by william burroughs, a book that basically seems to be about drugs and being addicted and in a cloudy haze of that addiction. we'll see.... so far it seems better than the stupid million little pieces, which i didn't enjoy (granted,i only read the first few pages, but that is because i didn't want to go further). that selection is based on its mention in the perks of being a wallflower. i'll let you know how it goes :)

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